Member Pages

In order to view the Members Only Pages on this website, you must first register - click on the Register link (upper right corner - "Please login or register".  Or use the "REGISTER" or "LOG IN" buttons on the Home page.  (In order to be granted access, you must be a member in good standing of The Villages of Long Point Bay Residents' Association.)

When registering, please enter sufficient information to enable us to identify you. Complete as much of the profile information as you are comfortable sharing with your fellow residents.  You may also update your personal profile when necessary.  (None of the information is visible to non-members of the website.)

Once permission has been granted, you will be able to view:

  • Board Members & Contact Info
  • VLPBRA Calendar
  • Village Voices Newsletters
  • Classified Ads
  • Group Pages
  • Documents such as Agendas & Minutes of Meetings, Financial Reports, Telephone Directory, etc.
  • Resident Alerts

    If you have any questions, or require assistance getting started,  please contact us at [email protected]

* Opinions submitted and expressed on the website are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Villages of Long Point Bay Residents Association or of the webmaster.